Photo by Thibault Penin / Unsplash

How to create a Pre-save link for your next release

Sep 9, 2024

For an artist, releasing a new song is one of the most exciting and critical moments: in a crowded and ever-changing music market, how can you ensure your fans are prepared to listen to your new music the moment it’s available?

The answer lies in pre-saving: a tool that allows your fans to save your track or album in their digital libraries even before its release. This process not only generates anticipation and interest but also provides strategic advantages for promoting your work and optimizing your presence on platforms like Spotify.

In this article, we'll explore how to make the most of Spotify's pre-save links to set yourself up for a successful release.

What is Spotify pre-save and why is it important?

Pre-save is a promotional feature that allows fans to "reserve" your music before it’s available. Essentially, listeners add the song or album to their library or playlist in advance, ensuring it’s ready to play as soon as it’s released. This not only creates a sense of exclusivity and anticipation but also impacts how the platform promotes your music.

Pre-saving becomes a key strategy for:

  • Engaging your fans before the launch: Giving listeners the ability to pre-save builds an early connection, keeping their attention focused on your upcoming release.
  • Boosting visibility in Spotify’s algorithm: Pre-saving activity signals to Spotify’s algorithm that your track is relevant, increasing the chances of appearing in automatic playlists like Release Radar or Discover Weekly.
  • Building hype and anticipation: Fans will feel like they’re part of an exclusive event, heightening their curiosity and eagerness for the official release.

Key advantages of Spotify pre-save

Pre-saving on Spotify is not just a convenience for your fans, it’s also a powerful strategy for artists looking to maximize the impact of their new releases. One of the primary benefits is the anticipation it creates around your music. When fans know they can pre-save your track, they become excited, waiting for it to become available in their library.

Pre-saving also helps generate long-term momentum for your music career. By encouraging fans to take action before the release date, you create a sense of exclusivity and connection with your audience. Additionally, a high number of pre-saves often translates into an immediate increase in streams, enhancing your visibility on Spotify and potentially helping your track gain more prominence on the platform.

Another advantage of pre-saving is its influence on Spotify’s algorithmic playlists. Spotify relies on engagement data, including pre-saves and first-day listens, to decide which songs to feature in playlists like Release Radar and Discover Weekly. The more pre-saves your track garners, the better your chances of reaching new listeners through these automatic recommendations.

Over time, appearing in such playlists not only boosts your visibility but also helps you grow your audience beyond your existing fan base, setting the stage for continued success.

Creating a pre-save link is simple but requires a few key steps.

Here’s how to do it:

Distribute your music on Spotify

  • First, you need to upload your music to Spotify via a music distributor. Plan your release with enough lead time to allow the platform to approve your submission.

Claim your Spotify for Artists profile

  • With Spotify for Artists, you gain full control over your music catalog. Once you have access, you can monitor your audience stats, customize your profile, and launch pre-save campaigns.

Get the Spotify URL for your track

  • The URL is a unique code that identifies your track within Spotify’s system, allowing the platform to connect the pre-save campaign to your song even before its public release.
  • To get the URL, go to the Spotify desktop app, click the three dots next to the track, select “Share”, hold down Alt (or Option on Mac), and copy the URI.

Use a service like Linkfire

  • Tools like Linkfire allow you to create a personalized landing page for pre-saves, which you can share with your audience. Add the track name, Spotify URL, and release dates to build an effective campaign.

Customize and promote your pre-save page

  • Once you’ve created the page, you can personalize it with visual elements like artwork and banners, making it unique. Then, promote it through your social media channels, website, and newsletters to maximize visibility.


Releasing a new song is an exciting and potentially transformative moment for any artist. By using Spotify’s pre-save links, you can ensure that your fans are ready to listen the moment your music is live, increasing your chances of success.

After releasing your track, you should also worry about the promotion of it, in order the to reach the widest possible audience: Matchfy is here to help you!

Our platform offers you different possibilities to promote your music with different plans: it's up to you to choose the right one for you, we'll do the rest.

Turn your passion into success: prepare your next release and reach the global audience you deserve!