What is Matchfy.io VIP?

Maximize the placement of your tracks on Spotify

Spotimatch VIP is an offline professional pitching service for Spotify Artists who want to maximize the placement of their tracks onto playlists.

The final goal of the VIP service is to activate the Spotify Algorithmic playlist for a given track.

Once the track is in the Spotify Algorithmic playlists of Spotify, the number of plays will experience an exponential increase.

Click here to learn more on how we work.

Our team of experts will take care of your track(s), pitching them to relevant playlists every day. We have helped more than hundred artists increase their popularity on Spotify so far.


The price is calculated for each Artist and track considering the following:

  1. Artist popularity on Spotify
  2. Quality of the track
  3. Track popularity on Spotify

How many curators will be reached?

We have access to a pool of around to 5 to 10 thousand curators for each genre. Among them, our team will make sure your track will be added to the most relevant playlists.

One example from one of our VIP campaign.

What is the expected result?

We cannot guarantee any result in advance, as the outcome of a campaign varies in relation of various parameters: artist and track popularity, track genre, budget.

We do our best to make sure the Spotify Algorithmic playlists will be activated for your track. Our success rate is 99%.

If your budget is too low for reaching the goal, we will give you some alternatives on how to proceed further.

Results on one big campaign from our VIP plan

How to keep track of placements

We use Matchfy.io to keep track of your placement. In your Activity dashboard, on “My tracks” section, you can monitor your placement. The playlist column displays a number that represents the number of playlist your track has been submitted to on.

How to check if a track has been added to a playlist

You can check the status of your placements on Matchfy.io, from the Activity Dashboard — See picture above. On the “My tracks” section, check the status of each track. ✅ means that your track has been added to the playlist, ⌛ means that your track is on waiting list.

How do we choose the playlists?

The playlists are chosen based on relevant parameters, related to the track you intend to promote. These parameters include: track main genres, track popularity, Artist popularity, Artist budget (in case the playlist asks for money). For example, if an Artist is very popular, we only contact very popular playlists with a high standard of monthly plays.

How to sing up

Select the VIP plan from Matchfy.io and follow the steps!